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President | AIA, CVS-Life

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Eric Meng

Eric has extensive experience conducting value analysis studies, facility condition and educational adequacy assessments for K-12 clients and has led the development of the Facilities Database we offer to our facility assessment clients. Eric specializes in developing an appropriate EA survey methodology and customizing the database software to meet the clients needs. Eric’s background in the design, programming and analysis of K-12 schools brings a special sensitivity to programming and design issues that may affect building systems, as well as a special knowledge of the design and construction processes involved.


Eric has been involved for many years with OSPI and the State Facilities Advisory Board and has consulted with many districts throughout the Pacific Northwest. 


More about Eric:


What is one thing about you that might surprise people (secret talent)?

  • I have performed as a violinist in concerts, and I am also a certified airplane pilot.


What are your favorite things to do outside of the office?

  • Golf, family activities, exploring Seattle, and working on our Lopez farm.


Where is your favorite place you have traveled to and why?

  • I have many favorites but some of them are Italy, Machu Picchu, China, Australia, Norway, and Saudi Arabia. Travel shows you the size of the world and the diversity of cultures and talents.


What are three words or a phrase you would use to describe MENG Analysis?

  • Quality and cost professionals.


Master of Arts, Architecture, University of Washington; Bachelor of Arts, Architecture, University of Washington


Architect - Washington; Certified Value Specialist (CVS-Life), SAVE International

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